3 Rat Control Measures That Probably Won’t Work During an Infestation

HomeBlog3 Rat Control Measures That Probably Won’t Work During an Infestation

In your ongoing battle against those unwanted roomies with long tails and whiskers, you’ve tried nearly every trick in the book. But the rats keep roaming your residence, unfazed. Unfortunately, not all rat control tactics are created equal, particularly the three below.

3 Rat Control Measures That Probably Won’t Work During an Infestation

  1. Traps – Although traps may seem like a convenient rat control strategy, they are unlikely to be adequate during a full-blown infestation. Traps only eliminate one rat at a time, while a single breeding pair can be responsible for upwards of 1,000 offspring and descendants annually. You’d need a truckload of traps working around the clock to catch each new generation. For severe infestations, trapping is tedious, slow, and ineffective.
  2. Cats – It’s true cats are natural hunters with lightning-fast reflexes. But even the best mouser can’t fit into narrow spaces between walls and ceilings where rats build nests. And one cat’s appetite can only tackle so many rodents at once. While cats may pick off the occasional rat, they are no match for a large-scale infestation.
  3. Hiding Your Food – Since rats scavenge for sustenance, you may try keeping all food under lock and key. However, determined rats will chew through packaging, wood, and even cinder blocks to reach a morsel. As long as they have access, protection, and shelter, rats can survive off virtually any organic material, not just typical food sources.

Although the above DIY rat control methods may work for minor rodent incursions, your best bet during an infestation is total elimination courtesy of a professional pest control service. Here at Castle Exterminators, we’ll create a tailored plan to trap and eradicate these invasive critters from your home. For more information on our efficient rat control strategies, reach out to us today.