Mosquito Inspection, Durham, NC

When performing a mosquito inspection, we’ll check your property for signs of an infestation.

Mosquitos are extremely bothersome pests that feed on the blood of mammals. Their bite can cause a painful, itchy welt that remains on the skin for a few days. But what’s even more concerning than a bothersome welt is the risk that the mosquito biting you may have bit something that had a disease. Since a small amount of the blood from a mosquito’s previous victim can go into your bloodstream, these flying critters can spread various types of diseases. They have been linked to the spread of malaria, Zika virus, West Nile virus, dengue, and Chikungunya virus.

Mosquito Inspection in Durham, North Carolina

Here in Durham, North Carolina and the surrounding area, our humid climate contributes to an increase in the number of insects and pests. Many people battle mosquitos when they’re trying to spend time outdoors but dealing with the problem is more effective than using citronella candles or spray-on insect repellant. At Castle Exterminators, we offer mosquito inspection and removal services to alleviate this common problem for local clients.

When performing a mosquito inspection, we’ll check your property for signs of an infestation. This step in the pest control process also allows us to pinpoint any areas on the property that may be targets for mosquitos, such as ponds or stagnant pools of water. We’ll create a customized plan to eliminate the mosquitos, helping you to take back your outdoor space and enjoy being outside once again. If you’re looking to protect yourself and your family from the risks associated with these flying insects, contact us to schedule a mosquito inspection.

At Castle Exterminators, we offer mosquito inspection services in Durham, Chapel Hill, Raleigh, Carrboro, and Hillsborough, North Carolina.